Wednesday 25 July 2012

Search an element of Java ArrayList Example

This Java Example shows how to search an element of java ArrayList object using contains, indexOf and lastIndexOf methods.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class SearchAnElementInArrayListExample {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

  // create an ArrayList object
  ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();

  // Add elements to Arraylist


   * To check whether the specified element exists in Java ArrayList use
   * boolean contains(Object element) method. It returns true if the
   * ArrayList contains the specified objct, false otherwise.

  boolean blnFound = arrayList.contains("2");
  System.out.println("Does arrayList contain 2 ? " + blnFound);

   * To get an index of specified element in ArrayList use int
   * indexOf(Object element) method. This method returns the index of the
   * specified element in ArrayList. It returns -1 if not found.

  int index = arrayList.indexOf("4");
  if (index == -1)
   System.out.println("ArrayList does not contain 4");
   System.out.println("ArrayList contains 4 at index :" + index);

   * To get last index of specified element in ArrayList use int
   * lastIndexOf(Object element) method. This method returns index of the
   * last occurrence of the specified element in ArrayList. It returns -1
   * if not found.

  int lastIndex = arrayList.lastIndexOf("1");
  if (lastIndex == -1)
   System.out.println("ArrayList does not contain 1");
     .println("Last occurrence of 1 in ArrayList is at index :"
       + lastIndex);


The output is:

Does arrayList contain 2 ? true
ArrayList contains 4 at index :3
Last occurrence of 1 in ArrayList is at index :5

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