Thursday 26 July 2012

Remove first and last elements of LinkedList Java example

This java example shows how to remove first and last elements of Java LinkedList object using removeFirst and removeLast methods.

import java.util.LinkedList;

public class RemoveFirstLastElementsLinkedListExample {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

  // create LinkedList object
  LinkedList lList = new LinkedList();

  // add elements to LinkedList

  System.out.println("LinkedList contains : " + lList);

   * To remove first element of Java LinkedList, use Object removeFirst()
   * method.
   * This method removes first element of LinkedList and shifts the
   * subsequent elements to the left. It returns the element previously at
   * the first index of the LinkedList.

  Object object = lList.removeFirst();
    + " has been removed from the first index of LinkedList");

  System.out.println("LinkedList now contains : " + lList);

   * To remove last element of Java LinkedList, use Object removeLast()
   * method.
   * This method removes last element of LinkedList. It returns the
   * element previously at the last index of the LinkedList.

  object = lList.removeLast();
    + " has been removed from the last index of LinkedList");

  System.out.println("LinkedList now contains : " + lList);


The output is:

LinkedList contains : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
1 has been removed from the first index of LinkedList
LinkedList now contains : [2, 3, 4, 5]
5 has been removed from the last index of LinkedList
LinkedList now contains : [2, 3, 4]

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